UK updates
Dear Investigators, This is a dedicated page for the UK participating centers. Here, you will find all updates and useful documents. Tom and the CRICKET Team DTA Data Transfer Agreement – ENG version 1.0, 14/December/2023
Extension until 2025
Dear investigators, We are pleased to inform you that after a meeting with the steering committee, the CRICKET study has been extended until December 2025. Many thanks to all of you for your support! Best wishes from the cricket team THANKS FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION
ASPA Kuching
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the CRICKET Roundtable during the ASPA Congress in Kuching, Malaysia. We appreciate your participation and support. Thank you once again for your support and interest. We look forward to seeing you at future events! CRICKET Team
ESPA Athens
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the CRICKET meeting at the ESPA Congress in Athens, Greece. We appreciate your partecipation and support. Thank you once again for your partecipation, we look forward to seeing you at future events! CRICKET Team
THANKS FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION We wish to express our gratitude for your contribution in making 2024 a standout year, and we look forward to an even more exceptional 2025! As for today, our confirmed Cricket Centres are 425 : Europe: 239 centres Africa: 35 centres Australia & NewZealand: 12 centres Asia: 63 centres Canada & North […]
ESAIC Munich
Thank you to everyone who visited us at Euroanaesthesia 2024 (EA24) in Munich. We enjoyed connecting with you and sharing ideas in such a stimulating environment. Thank you once again for your support and participation. We look forward to connecting with you at future events! CRICKET Team