Participating Centres - Spain

  • La Paz University Children’s Hospital Madrid
    Patricio González Pizarro –
  • University Hospital de Navarra Pamplona
    Patrizia Unzue Rico –
  • University Hospital Marqués De Valdecilla, Santander
    Pilar Hernandez Pinto –
  • Asil de Granollers Hospital Private Foundation.
    Sheila Solsona Carcasona – 
  • Maternal and Child University Hospital de Canarias, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
    Lourdes Hernández González –
  •  University Hospital Central de Asturias Oviedo
    Ana Paz-Aparicio –
  • University Hospital Virgen De La Arrixaca, El Palmar, Murcia
    Victoria Raquel López López –

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Join us!

All centres doing paediatric anaesthesia are welcome to join.

They can be in all five continents. CRICKET is going to be a true worldwide international study.

The study protocol is ready and centres interested to partecipate are welcome to join the network. All participating centre should receive approval by the local Ethic Committee or IRB before starting.

For further information contact the study coordinator at:  

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